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I always look forward to the new year.  It’s a blank slate, a crisp new page, another chance to “get it right”.  I don’t make New Year’s resolutions for the simple reason that I have never followed through with them.  So, I skip the stress of self-recrimination and forgo making the silly things.  Life is stressful enough without adding to it.  Instead, I will announce that I have some brand new ideas for OSS in 2011.  Some of them may be a bit “out there”, and they won’t appeal to everyone.  I have been a bit dissatisfied with the path I’ve been on for awhile.  The floundering economy has given me more time to assess my art.  After doing so, I feel the need to veer slightly to one side, to take a rabbit trail that might take me on some fabulous adventures or make me scamper back to the main road.  We shall take that rabbit trail together.  I can’t wait to see what we discover!

Instead of sitting on my hands yesterday, I took out my paints and brushes.  I tried to keep my mess to a confined area.  The result was a OOAK repaint of Fashion Royalty Glimmer Luchia.  She is now Isabel, and she’d like to wish you:

ISABEL - One Of A Kind Fashion Royalty Luchia